Objective :
Improve methods for psyllid collection, shipping and preservation.
- Six different SmartTraps are being evaluated both in greenhouse and field conditions in Florida, California and Texas.
- Based on performance, modifications to design are made and new traps are then evaluated.
- All psyllids collected in SmartTraps are tested for Las by using SmartDART.
- Some of the modifications attempted include design alterations, preventing rain water from getting into traps, use of attractants and use of LED lights.
- During development stage, various grower fields are being used for trapping and testing conducted in collaboration with Pest Control Advisors.
- Direct involvement of growers will begin in 2016.
Static versus Dynamic Sampling of psyllids
- Psyllids hand collected using aspirators and stored in alcohol are excellent for testing psyllids for HLB bacteria.
- Hand collected psyllids represent the population on a specific day.
- The bacterial titer varies greatly over time because of various factors such as temperature, age of psyllids, growth stage of plants etc.
- Psyllids collected in SmartTraps represent samples collected over a period of several weeks, and hence represent dynamic sampling.
- The traps are non-destructive; sampling can be done over a long time simply by changing the collection tube.
More on SmartTrap