Characterization of Liberibacter populations and development of field detection system for citrus huanglongbing

Project funded by: USDA NIFA



Citrus huanglongbing has killed about half of the citrus trees in Florida

It is spreading in Texas and already present in California. The major premise of this project is that the only way to save the citrus industry from citrus huanglongbing (HLB; citrus greening) - until resistant varieties are developed - is by prevention, exclusion, and suppression of both the vector and the disease. Early detection is the key for all three of the HLB management approaches. On-site detection with 'easy to use', simple, and reliable technologies would facilitate such an effort.


HLB infected lopsided fruit with aborted seeds 


HLB infected fruit


HLB infected tree from Hacienda Heights, CA 


HLB infected tree


 HLB leaf symptoms


HLB leaf symptoms
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